Maintenance Schedule for BMW 3 Series

BMW 3 Series

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your BMW 3 Series in good condition and extending its lifespan. The maintenance schedule for your 3 Series provides a list of tasks that should be performed at specific intervals. These tasks can be performed by a qualified mechanic or by yourself, if you have the necessary skills and tools.

Maintenance Intervals

The maintenance intervals for a BMW 3 Series are as follows:

Oil change: Every 10,000 miles or 16,000 kilometers.

Tire rotation: Every 7,500 miles or 12,000 kilometers.

Brake inspection: Every 10,000 miles or 16,000 kilometers.

Air filter replacement: Every 16,000 miles or 25,000 kilometers.

Cabin air filter replacement: Every 15,000 miles or 24,000. kilometers

Coolant flush: Every 50,000 miles or 80,000 kilometers.

Belt replacement: Every 60,000 miles or 96,000 kilometers.

Spark plug replacement: Every 90,000 miles or 144,000 kilometers.

BMW 3 Series maintenance. BMW 3 Series maintenance schedule.BMW 3 Series service schedule
Maintenance Schedule for BMW 3 Series

Maintenance Tasks

The maintenance tasks that are performed on your 3 Series will vary depending on the make, model, and year of your vehicle. However, some common maintenance tasks include:

Oil change: This is the most important maintenance task. It involves draining the old oil and filter and replacing them with new ones.

Tire rotation: This helps to evenly wear the tires and extend their lifespan.

Brake inspection: This involves checking the brake pads and rotors for wear and tear.

Air filter replacement: This helps to keep the engine running smoothly and efficiently.

Cabin air filter replacement: This helps to remove pollutants and allergens from the cabin air.

Coolant flush: This helps to remove contaminants from the coolant and prevent overheating.

Belt replacement: This helps to ensure that the engine is properly lubricated.

Spark plug replacement: This helps to ensure that the engine is firing properly.

Maintenance Costs

The cost of maintenance can vary depending on the type of vehicle you own, the type of maintenance that is performed, and the location of the service center. However, in general, maintenance costs are relatively low when compared to the cost of repairing a major car problem.

Additional Tips

In addition to following the maintenance schedule for your 3 Series, there are a few other things you can do to help keep your car in good condition:

Check tire pressure regularly.

Inspect your car for any signs of damage or wear.

Drive safely and avoid harsh driving conditions.

By following these tips, you can help to extend the lifespan of your 3 Series.

This is a summary of the maintenance intervals for a BMW 3 Series:

It is important to note that these are just general guidelines. The specific maintenance schedule for your 3 Series may vary depending on the make, model, and year of your vehicle. You should always consult your owner's manual for the most accurate information.


By following the maintenance schedule for your 3 Series, you can help to ensure that your car remains in good condition and operates safely.
محمد الحلواني
By : محمد الحلواني
منذ صغري، كنت أُحبّ بناء الأشياء وتصميمها وتصلحيها، سواء كانت منازل أو سيارات أو حتى صفحات ويب. لم أكتفِ بالملاحظة فقط، بل دفعتني ملكة التركيز الفريدة إلى فهم آليات عمل الأشياء واصلاحها، فمارستُ بعضها بنفسي، مُستمتعًا بكل لحظة في رحلة الاكتشاف هذه. مع مرور الوقت، ازداد شغفي بنقل خبراتي ومعارفي للآخرين. لم يمنعني تخصصي الدراسي عن تحقيق حلمي، بل وجدت في الكتابة وسيلة مثالية لمشاركة شغفي مع العالم. حيث اكتسبت مهارات وخبرات متنوعة. من خلال الممارسة العملية على ارض الواقع لسنوات عدة من تجاربي الشخصية والاستعانة بأفضل المواقع العالمية الموثوقة لضمان انشاء محتوي عالي الجودة مفيد. أُحبّ مشاركة معرفتي وخبرتي مع الآخرين من خلال كتابة مقالات مُفصّلة وغنية بالمعلومات. هدفي: نشر المعرفة: أُسعى جاهداً لنقل خبرتي ومعارفي للآخرين بطريقة واضحة ومباشرة، مُستخدمًا لغة بسيطة تُسهّل على الجميع فهمها. مشاركة الشغف: أُريد أن أُلهم الآخرين باكتشاف شغفهم الخاص، وأن أُشجعهم على اتباع أحلامهم بغض النظر عن تخصصاتهم الدراسية. خلق مجتمع: أُؤمن بأهمية تكوين مجتمع مُتفاعل من المهتمين بنفس المجالات، حيث يمكننا تبادل الخبرات والآراء، وتقديم الدعم والتشجيع لبعضنا البعض. والاعتماد على أنفسنا في عمل الكثير